Giving Thanks 2020 – Week Eleven

So it’s still not a full week, thanks to last week’s shortcoming, but bear with me. We are getting there, I hope. It’s been an eventful week and some might even say that the end of the world is near and I don’t disagree.

It’s been a difficult few days, but I’m trying to still take note of what I’ve been grateful for. Interestingly, not many have responded to my daily gratitude post on Twitter, I don’t know if it gets lost amidst all my tweets/everyone else’s tweets/both but, I totally get it why people are finding it increasingly difficult to be thankful.

10th March 2020

Few things to be grateful for today.

On the way home, we stopped at the new Kürtosh (I think the only accent is on the ‘u’) on Pagoda Road for evening snacks and tea while driving home. Probably not healthy, but YOLO. Also they had really cute chairs.

Cute chairs
I mean…

I made a three cheese pasta with chicken and a wannabe bechamel that I tried for the first time. I’m mighty pleased with how that turned out!

Three cheese pasta
Not going to lie, this thing was very heavy on the stomach. I can feel how unhealthy it was by looking at it. Also sorted a few meals for the next few days, yay!

This girl at work who I helped complete her visa application form for, finally received her visa. I guess I might have a lucrative career as a migration consultant someday.

11th March 2020

Uploaded the gratitude post today. Finally. Yay me.

At work, we also signed and hopefully sealed this long overdue contract, yay. This was actually the work I joined for and now I’m glad things are actually taking off, ish.

In other news, I finally managed to upload some of my overdue supermarket finds on Twitter.

12th March 2020

The start of the many difficult days to come. I hope I would maybe write something longer on this sometime within the week, because there are so many things that run through my mind.

TL;DR: COVID-19 has hit Sri Lanka. Yesterday they diagnosed the first Sri Lankan, since the Chinese tourist we had here and everyone goes crazy. Despite it all, if I were to think of things I’m grateful for, I guess it would be money. Very vain, I know, but I’m grateful for having money (Mum’s money, I have run into financial chaos these past few days) and being able to buy things for our grandparents who don’t go out grocery shopping on their own. We are not too worried ourselves because the war mentality has had us kind of well-stocked in general. Nothing can justify a single person buying 20kgs of one item, but a longer different post on that sooner, than later I hope.

A long difficult day and I’m mighty glad it’s over.

13th March 2020

I wasn’t feeling like a 1000 bucks so I worked from home today. Which is what most should actually do to stay safe.

In more entertaining news, my supermarket finds from earlier seemed to have been a success because…

14th March 2020

Today started off really great but I had an anxiety attack that I wasn’t expecting. To be honest, I don’t think anyone really expects them haha, but the timing couldn’t have been more off. My grandmother saw one of these, probably for the first time in her life and was utterly flabbergasted and when my mother tried to take her away, she got a scolding for it and then my mother panicked. Oh boy. Oh boy. The joys of the lack of mental health awareness.

The rest of the day was quieter and less dramatic. I even went out tonight (to a not very crowded place I must add) and it was nice 🙂

15th March 2020

I stayed in today and slept in today. It was glorious. I also made some of that Keells Ezy Rice I keep talking about so much on my Twitter.

Also turns out, tomorrow is a declared holiday for the country/a work from home day owing to the situation.

So tell me, what were you grateful for these past few days?



PS – I have a Facebook page that I’m still not too comfortable throwing around, but want you all to (secretly) know about 🙂

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